Is Your Juicing Routine Getting Boring? Spice Things Up A Bit!


Juicing can be a fun and easy way to get essential vitamins and nutrients quickly. Follow these tips to discover winning fruit and veggie combinations, where it’s possible to enjoy the taste of highly nutritious produce. Soon you will get the idea, and be able to concoct your own mixtures.

Juicing is a wonderful part of a healthy lifestyle, but you don’t have to be totally strict about what you consume. You should practice excellent health choices at least two-thirds of the time. The other third allows you to go out to a restaurant, have a few potato chips, or indulge in some ice cream.

Start slow when juicing. Juicing takes a while to get used to. Gentle vegetables are cucumber, celery and carrots. Carrots have a lot of sugar so do not use too much of them. Mix it up with various vegetables. Juicing too much at the start can cause you to feel sick to your stomach. Your body will tell you if you are juicing too much.

Leaving some seeds in your juicer is perfectly fine! Larger seeds such as cherry pits or sometimes citrus seeds might actually damage your juicer, though, so it’s best to consider the size and firmness of the seeds in the items you’re juicing before throwing them in whole with reckless abandon!

If you find that your juicer becomes oily after juicing citrus fruits such as oranges, limes, lemons and grapefruits you will have to clean the juicer with a mild detergent to get the oily feeling off. This is residue left behind from the citrus must be cleansed well to avoid complications with mold.

Keep a toothbrush handy to clean the strainer after juicing. Scrubbing the strainer with a toothbrush will displace any lodged particles which can grow rapidly into mold. Regular cleaning in this fashion will increase the life of your juicer as well as make your life healthier.

If you don’t like the taste of certain vegetables that you should be eating for their nutritional benefit, try mixing them with fruit or vegetables you do like! Use only one disliked vegetable in a recipe and the flavors of the others that you do enjoy will overwhelm your taste buds so you don’t even notice it!

To make sure that your juices pack the most nutritional punch, always choose organic ingredients if they are available. Organic produce has a higher nutritional content than conventionally grown produce and it also usually tastes better. You’ll also avoid any possible toxic chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers that are used in conventional agriculture.

To entice kids to join you in your juicing adventures, start with smoothies. You can add honey, yogurt, or even fruit sherbet. Always start off with at least one vegetable or fruit in the smoothie, so that when you try adding different items it won’t taste much different than the first smoothie you’ve given to them.

To get the most out of your juices, it’s best to drink them before you eat when your stomach is empty. Your digestive system will be able to absorb more of the nutrients in the juice if it’s mostly empty. You will also feel fuller after drinking the juice, so you will eat less when you do have a meal.

If you’d like to put low-water fruits like avocado or bananas in your juice, put them in a blender first. It’s difficult for your juicer to process these types of produce and it can actually damage the expensive juicer or burn out the motor. Blenders are built to deal with thicker items, so give them a whirl and then pour them into your juicer.

In regards to juicing, it is important to consider the fact that many people do not even come close to ingesting the amount of fruits and vegetables per day that is recommended by health professionals. This is important because juicing is an easy way to ensure that you reach recommended health goals.

If you have trouble juicing ginger, use a garlic press on it first! This will release the binds within the pulp itself and allow your juicer to extract as much juice as possible from the chunk of ginger. You can also do the same for garlic you wish to use.

To keep the pulp out of your juice, put a coffee filter over the container you’re juicing into to catch it all. Then a fun suggestion that is also nutritious is to save the pulp and put it into ice cube trays. Then on those hot summer days, those ice cubes are perfect nutritious little popsicle treats!

Fish oil is an excellent addition to any juice you make! It’s full of Omega-3 Fatty Acids which are essential to the human body. You need to get these from your diet; we can’t make them ourselves. Cod liver oil, evening primrose oil, and flax seeds all contain Omega-3 Fatty acids. Adding a little to your juice is a wonderful way to boost your intake.

Check with your doctor about doing a juice diet to cleanse your body and jump-start your weight loss. This should never be done without having checked with a doctor first to make sure that it is safe for you. A juice fast is wonderful because you still get all the energy and nutrients from the juice without putting on the pounds.

Out of sight, out of mind, but the opposite is also true. You should always leave your juicing on the counter top where you see it every time you enter your kitchen. This will help remind you of your commitment to juicing and prevent you from lapsing back into your old dietary habits.

Juicing up fresh vegetables and fruits is a great way to derive direct nutritional benefits from the produce because the enzymes have not been broken down by heat from cooking. Raw foods are highly nutritious, but the taste does not always please. Juicing allows the various flavors to mix in a pleasing way, without compromising the health aspect.